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Air Filtration

April 8, 2025, Tuesday

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM EDT, USA

$USD 350

$USD 175 (Member Only)

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Course Objective

The course "Air Filtration: Fundamentals, Applications, Innovations, and Future Trends," led by Dr. Al-Attar, provides a comprehensive and timely examination of a vital field. The curriculum is structured to flow logically from basic principles to advanced technologies and future developments, underscoring the growing significance of air filtration in safeguarding public health and the environment across various applications. The course concludes by exploring innovations, trends, and future opportunities, featuring valuable insights from a panel of globally recognized experts. Designed for both professionals and newcomers, it equips participants with the knowledge to contribute to the evolving landscape of air quality management and filtration solutions.

Course Outline

1. Air Filtration Fundamentals

  • Intorduction, definitions, and historical perspective

  • Common particle collection mechanisms

  • Air filtration processes and technologies

  • Air filter performance characteristics

  • Appropriate filter selection and their application-sensitivies

  • Maintenance practices and replacement strategies

  • Particle loading and filter clogging impact on system performance

  • Perspectives from international filtration experts

  • Current global challenges and regulatory drivers

  • Market opportunities and innovation needs

2. Air Filtration Applications

  • Key filtration applications

  • HVAC systems in buildings (Offices, Schools, Retail Spaces)

  • Residential applications

  • Aerospace and Automotive Painting:

  • Transportation systems

  • Healthcare Facilities (Hospitals, Clinics, Laboratories)

  • Pharmaceutical Industries

  • Industrial dust collection and emission control

  • Land-based gas turbine – Power Generation

  • Sewage plants

  • Microelectronics Manufacturing

  • Personal protection

  • Food and Beverage Processing

  • Air purifiers

  • Specialty applications

3. Air Filtration Challenges

  • Pre-clogging

  • Leakage

  • Climate conditions (Sandstorms, Wildfires, Pandemics)

  • Filter failures

  • Indoor pollution

  • Managing Energy Consumption

  • Addressing Chemical Contaminants

  • Ensuring Compliance with Regulations

  • Maintaining Indoor Air Quality in Diverse Environments

  • Public Awareness and Demand

4. Air Filtration Innovations

  • Advances in filter media

  • Smart filters and sensor integration

  • AI and IoT applications in filter monitoring and optimization

  • Sustainable filtration materials and energy-efficient designs

  • Trends in reusable and eco-friendly filtration solutions

5. Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Trends (Panel Discussion and Live Q&A)

  • Insights from panel experts

  • Open Q&A and interactive discussion with participants

Instructor Biography

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Dr. Iyad Al-Attar

Instructor, Canada

Dr. Al-Attar is a mechanical engineer and an independent air filtration consultant. He is also a Visiting Academic Fellow in the School of Aerospace, Transport, and Manufacturing at Cranfield University, consulting for air quality and filter performance relevant to land-based gas turbines. Dr. Al-Attar is the strategic director, instructor, and advisory board member of the World Filtration Institute. In 2020, EUROVENT Middle East appointed Dr. Al-Attar as the first associated consultant for air filtration affairs. Dr. Al-Attar received his engineering degrees (BSc, MSc, Ph.D.) from the University of Toronto (Canada), Kuwait University, and Loughborough University (UK), respectively. Dr. Al-Attar’s area of expertise focuses on designing and performing high-efficiency filters for HVAC and land-based gas turbine applications, particularly on the chemical and physical characterization of airborne particles. Dr. Al-Attar is a columnist in the EUROVENT Middle East newsletter, Climate Control Middle East Magazine, ES Engineering, USA, and Caloryfrio Magazine, Spain. He has authored many articles on air quality, filter design, performance, particle characterization, and climate change, which were translated into Arabic and Spanish. Dr. Al-Attar is an editorial member/referee in the Filtration Society (UK) and the Journal of Cleaner Production.


Dr. Christine Sun

Panelist, USA

Dr. Sun, President of the World Filtration Institute, is a globally renowned technical and market expert in the filtration and nonwovens industry. With over 30 years of experience in academia and industry, she has in-depth knowledge of filtration and extensive hands-on expertise in product and business development, with over 100 technical publications and patents in the field. She is also actively involved in the development of many air and liquid filter test standards, such as ASHRAE and ISO. Dr. Sun worked for Freudenberg Filtration Technologies from 2004 to 2011 as an R&D manager and then served as Technology Director for Donaldson Company from 2011 to 2013. She was the Chair of the American Filtration and Separation Society (AFS) from 2016 to 2017 and has received the AFS Fellow Award in 2019, the Sr. Scientist Award in 2012, and the best paper awards from INDA (Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry) in 2008. She is also an editorial board member for the Journal of Industrial Textiles. Dr. Sun received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and her Executive Certificate from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, USA.


Dr. Marc Schmidt

Panelist, Germany

Dr. Marc Schmidt is Vice President of Technologies Europe at AAF International and a well-recognized expert in air filtration. He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. With a strong international background, Dr. Schmidt has a proven track record in product and process development, sales, technical marketing, business development, and operations management across the filter and nonwovens industries in both Europe and China. In addition to his corporate role, he serves as Chairman of the Eurovent Product Group Filters (PG-FIL), where he contributes to shaping standards and advancing best practices in the field. Dr. Schmidt also engages in international consulting and technical training related to air filtration on behalf of AAF International and is a frequent speaker at international conferences and symposia, sharing his expertise on filtration technologies and market trends.


Mr. Nick Agopian is President of Reviveaire, USA. With 30+ years of Filtration, HVAC & energy-recovery experience, Nick focuses on Indoor Air Quality and improving the human condition indoors. Nick’s has held executive positions of VP for various businesses like Circul-Aire, Dectron Internationale, President and General Manager at SEMCO, a Fläkt Woods company, and Vice President at RenewAire. Nick is highly involved with ASHRAE,where he sits on numerous technical committees, such as ASHRAE 62.1 & 62.2, ASHRAE Position Document - Human Health and Wellness in the Built Environment, TC 2.3, SPC 145P, TRG4.IAQP, TG 9, etc. He’s also served on a special board for filtration part of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Additionally, he served on the Board of Directors for the Missouri Innovation Center’s Life Sciences Business Incubator, Board of the local Chamber of Commerce, and Chairman of the Board for the Home Ventilating Institute. A committed lifelong learner, Agopian’s undergrad was in Mechanical Systems Engineering from Vanier, Quebec, Canada, and an International M.B.A. from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.

Dr. R. Vijayakumar, Founder of AERFIL, USA, is a globally recognized expert and mentor in contamination control and filtration. He is the founder and head of AERFIL, a consulting company devoted to providing technical and business solutions and services for the filtration and contamination control industry around the world.  In addition to being a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Chinese Academy of Building Research, he has been on the faculty of the short course on air and gas filtration at the University of Minnesota since its inception and one of the founding faculty for ASHRAE’s Cleanroom Certification Program. He is a Fellow and was a Distinguished Lecturer of ASHRAE. He has taught courses in cleanroom design for ASHRAE, and has lectured around the world for them on various aspects of filtration, aerosol mechanics and cleanroom designs. He has recently published an iBook on Aerosol Mechanics for the general user and is also a coauthor for the ASHRAE Cleanroom Design Guide. He is a Fellow and past President of the IEST, the premiere contamination control organization in the US. Currently, he chairs standards development committees at the ISO and in the US writing standards for high efficiency filtration and filter media used in cleanrooms, hospitals, and indoor environments.

Mr. Satish Dinakaran is the Senior Principal of Advanced Technology for air filtration and sanitization products at AprilAire. He began his air filtration journey in 2005 after earning his master’s degree in mechanical engineering with a focus on indoor air quality. His career launched with a pivotal role on a U.S. Department of Defense-funded project, where he led the design, manufacturing, and testing of non-powered CBRN shelters for the U.S. military. Over the years, Satish has held leadership roles in Engineering, R&D, and Project Management at Filtration Group, Flanders (later AAF Flanders), Pall Microelectronics, and currently, AprilAire. His work includes the development of innovative products across HEPA, residential, and commercial HVAC filtration. He is also the primary inventor on two patents related to air filtration technologies. Satish is a member of the ASME standard Committee on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment (CONAGT). He also serves as an expert on the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO, where he chairs Advisory Panel 10 for HEPA filters in nuclear applications, and contributes to Advisory Panel 4 for general HEPA filter standards.

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