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Air Filter Testing and Evaluation

May 13, 2025, Tuesday

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET, USA

$USD 350

$USD 175 (Member Only)

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Course Objective

This course provides a foundational and practical understanding of air filter testing and evaluation. It introduces key principles of air filtration testing, outlines commonly used test methods, and highlights their applications across a range of industries. Participants will explore essential filtration terminology and gain insight into the broad spectrum of available test methods. Emphasis will be placed on critical performance metrics such as filtration efficiency, pressure drop, dust-holding capacity, and service life, along with the variables that influence test outcomes.

The course includes an in-depth overview of global air filtration/cleaning standards, including ASHRAE 52.2, 185, ISO 16890, and ISO 29463 and delves into ASHRAE Standard 241, a new Standard that allows use of various methods of filtration and air cleaning. Recent developments, emerging trends, and future opportunities in air filtration testing will be explored in a closing panel discussion featuring leading industry experts.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Air Filtration Testing

  • General concepts/basic objectives

  • Core principles of air filtration testing

  • Key filtration terminology and definitions

2. Air Filtration testing methodologies

  • Gravimetric and optical particle counting methods

  • Laboratory vs. field testing

  • Filter testing for particulate vs. gas-phase removal

  • Static vs. dynamic test conditions

3. Critical Performance Metrics

  • Filtration efficiency: MPPS and overall efficiency

  • Pressure drop and its impact on energy use

  • Dust-holding capacity and loading curves

  • Service life estimation and durability factors

  • Variables influencing test results (humidity, temperature, velocity, etc.)

4. Overview of Global Standards

  • ASHRAE 52.2: Particle-size efficiency and MERV ratings

  • ISO 16890: Global standard for general ventilation filters

  • ISO 29463: High-efficiency filter classification (EPA, HEPA, ULPA)

  • ASHRAE 185: Biocidal effectiveness of UV-C systems

  • ASHRAE Standard 241: 

  • More

5. Emerging Trends and Future Outlook

  • New developments in air filter media and testing technology

  • Impact of AI, IoT, and automation on test equipment

  • Sustainability and lifecycle considerations

  • Evolving regulatory frameworks

6. Expert Panel Discussion and Live Q&A

  • Perspectives from leading industry experts

  • Discussion on evolving testing needs and upcoming standards

Instructor Biography

Gajanan Bhat_edited_edited.jpg

Ms. Kathleen Owen


Ms. Owen is an expert in air filter/cleaner filtration efficiency and test method development. She is ASHRAE Standard 241 & EHC member, Chair of SPC 185.5, Past Chair of ASHRAE 52.2,  SPCC 145 and SPC 185.5.  She has more than 30 years in air cleaner testing and method development as well as several areas of IAQ and aerosol research. She also developed chamber test methods for gases and bioaerosols based, in large part, on the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) CADR test method.She ran the air cleaner testing lab at RTI for over 20 years and is now a consultant. Her BS in chemical engineering is from North Carolina State University, and her MS in Air Pollution Control Engineering is from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Dr. R. Vijayakumar


Dr. Vijayakumar is a globally recognized expert and mentor in contamination control and filtration. He is the founder and head of AERFIL, a consulting company devoted to providing technical and business solutions and services for the filtration and contamination control industry around the world.  In addition to being a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Chinese Academy of Building Research, he has been on the faculty of the short course on air and gas filtration at the University of Minnesota since its inception and one of the founding faculty for ASHRAE’s Cleanroom Certification Program. He is a Fellow and was a Distinguished Lecturer of ASHRAE. He has taught courses in cleanroom design for ASHRAE, and has lectured around the world for them on various aspects of filtration, aerosol mechanics and cleanroom designs. He has recently published an iBook on Aerosol Mechanics for the general user and is also a coauthor for the ASHRAE Cleanroom Design Guide. He is a Fellow and past President of the IEST, the premiere contamination control organization in the US. Currently, he chairs standards development committees at the ISO and in the US writing standards for high efficiency filtration and filter media used in cleanrooms, hospitals, and indoor environments.Panel Experts.


Mr. Al Vatine


Mr. Vatine is a globally well-recognized expert in various air filter testing and evaluation. He studied biology at Macalester College and graduated in Pathology at the University of Minnesota, USA. He started LMS Technologies in 1996 in response to the increasing demand from the industry for filter measurement. Al has over 35 years of experience in comprehensive air filtration testing, test equipment design, research and development. The company is establishing the core facility for fiberization, filtration, nozzle design, and filtration research and development. They have successfully designed the largest test system with a capacity of 25,000 CFM and built-in back pulse, rain, sand storm, ice pulse removal, 99% humidity, and saltwater migration testing capability. This system provides realistic test data for gas turbines and large engine intake filters used in the aerospace and defense industry.


Mr. Tobias  Zimmer, Vice President Global Product Management and International Standards, Camfil, Germany

Mr. Zimmer is an experienced air filter specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the international ventilation industry. Since 2009 Mr. Zimmer has been employed by Camfil, an industry leading air filter manufacturer based in Sweden. He has held various positions within the Camfil Group and his current position is Vice President Global Product Management and International Standards. Mr. Zimmer serves actively in numerous working groups of several international standard committees including ISO TC142 (Cleaning equipment for air and other gases), CEN TC195 (Air filters for general air cleaning), CEN TC156 (Ventilation for buildings). Mr Zimmer is the convenor of the WG7, Environmental product declarations for air cleaning equipment in CEN TC 195 as well as Vice Chairman of PC-Fil at Eurovent Certification and an advisory board member of the Waterloo Filtration Institute.  In addition, he is active in various international ventilation & engineering industry associations and committees including Eurovent, REHVA, Eurovent Middle East, Eurovent International, VDMA and EHEDG. In this context, Mr. Zimmer co-authored several guidebooks and technical guidelines related to air filtration and ventilation.

Dr. Iyad Al-Attar, WFI Strategic Director, Visiting Academia Fellow, Cranfield University, UK.

Dr. Al-Attar is a mechanical engineer and an independent air filtration consultant. He is also a Visiting Academic Fellow in the School of Aerospace, Transport, and Manufacturing at Cranfield University, consulting for air quality and filter performance relevant to land-based gas turbines. Dr. Al-Attar is the strategic director, instructor, and advisory board member of the World Filtration Institute. In 2020, EUROVENT Middle East appointed Dr. Al-Attar as the first associated consultant for air filtration affairs. Dr. Al-Attar received his engineering degrees (BSc, MSc, Ph.D.) from the University of Toronto (Canada), Kuwait University, and Loughborough University (UK), respectively.

Dr. Al-Attar’s area of expertise focuses on designing and performing high-efficiency filters for HVAC and land-based gas turbine applications, particularly on the chemical and physical characterization of airborne particles. Dr. Al-Attar is a columnist in the EUROVENT Middle East newsletter, Climate Control Middle East Magazine, ES Engineering, USA, and Caloryfrio Magazine, Spain. He has authored many articles on air quality, filter design, performance, particle characterization, and climate change, which were translated into Arabic and Spanish. Dr. Al-Attar is an editorial member/referee in the Filtration Society (UK) and the Journal of Cleaner Production.

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