Post-Pandemic / Future Clean
Air and Water Solutions
December 7-8, 2021
Welcome Message from WFI 2021 Chairs
On behalf of the WFI 2021 organizing committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to join the Waterloo Filtration Institute 2021 Annual Conference (WFI 2021). It will be held online, December 7-8, 2021, 8:00am - 12:00pm EST. The theme of this conference is “Post-Pandemic/Future Clean Air and Water Solutions.” It will be an international conference to address the continuously critical roles of filtration and separation for public safety and health. The virtual conference will feature the following four sessions, and each session will have four speakers (20 min presentation plus 5 min Q&A for each speaker).
1. Market Dynamics and Mega Trends after COVID-19
2. Novel Clean Air Solutions for Public Health
3. Emerging Technologies in Water Filtration
4. New Techniques in Product Evaluation
We are excited to have 16 distinguished leading experts from academia and the industry of 8 different countries from North America, Europe, and Asia to share their views of emerging new opportunities, new developments, the latest updates, and trends of future clean air/water solutions associated with the filtration and separation industry.
WFI is dedicated to supporting the growth of the global filtration industry and the advancement of filtration and separation processes for a clean, healthy, and sustainable world. We thank all the committee members, volunteers, and speakers for putting this fantastic program together to promote public health and a clean environment via industrial innovations.
As the conference chairs, we would like to encourage you to join us at WFI 2021 to meet the experts and speakers online for an informative and interactive conference of the latest updated topics on Post-Pandemic/Future Clean Air and Water Solutions.
We look forward to seeing you at WFI 2021.
Conference Chair
Christine Sun, President
Waterloo Filtration Institute (Canada)
Conference Co-Chair
Jay Forcucci, Vice President
Cerex Advanced Fabrics (USA)
Conference Co-Chair
Richard Lydon, Professor
The Filtration Society (UK)
Contact Info:
​Conference Coordinator: Mr. Mitch McCreary, mitch@wfius.org
Conference Secretary: Ms. Camilla Gomes da Silva, csilva@wfius.org
The Conference Program
December 07 - 08:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Session 1. Market Dynamics and Mega Trends after COVID-19
Session Chair: Mr. Bob Mcilvaine
1.1 Mr. Sean O’Reilly, Healthy Buildings are the Best Medicines for our Well Being
1.2 Dr. You-Zhi Tang, Air Filtration - What Products the General Public, Building Managers and Government Officials May Look for During and Post Pandemic?
1.3 Mr. Bob Mcilvaine, COVID as a Catalyst for Filtration Industry Changes
1.4 Mr. Tyler Smith, The Future of Indoor Air Quality: Leveraging Outcomes to Sustain a Focus on IAQ post-COVID
Session 2. Novel Clean Air Solutions for Public Health
Session Chair: Dr. Thomas Caesar
2.1 Dr. Thomas Caesar, High-quality Air Filtration for improved Indoor Air Quality
2.2 Dr. Christof Asbach, Air Filtration Solutions to Minimize Infection Risks
2.3 Dr. Zhengwei Long, What Does HVAC Need for the New COVID-19 Challenges?
2.4 Dr. Ellie Amirnasr, Your Brain on Air Pollution​
2021 Product of Year Award
December 08 - 08:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Session 3. Emerging Technologies in Water Filtration
Session Chair: Dr. Thomas Peters
3.1 Mr. Jochen Kallenberg, Improving filtration performance using activated filter media AFM
3.2 Dr. Kuo-lun (Allan) Tung, Ultrathin Silica Membranes with Straight-Through Channels for High-Performance Nanofiltrations
3.3 Dr. Peter Fiske, Distributed Water Treatment and Reuse: The NAWI Vision
3.4 Dr. Antti Häkkinen, New Developments in Conservation and Reuse of Water in Industrial Processes
Session 4. New Techniques in Product Evaluation
Session Chair: Dr. Paolo Tronville & Dr. Swarna Agarwal
4.1 Ms. Sarah Smit, Face Mask Performance Requirements and Testing Industry Trends Resulting from the Pandemic
4.2 Mr. Al Vatine, Facility and equipment to Study, by-products produced by air cleaners with technologies other than filtration
4.3 Dr. Nicolas Petillon, Upgrading of the existing standards to qualify nano and microfiltration water filter cartridges
4.4 Dr. Miao Li, Adsorption Filtration Of Harmful Chemicals for Clean Air
CFSS 2021 Class GraduationCeremony

WFI 2021 Recordings & Proceedings
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