The Filtration Society
About the Filtration Society
The Filtration Society was formed in London in 1964. It is a charitable organisation with the objective of technology transfer of existing filtration and separation technologies and promoting research and development into new areas. As a result the Society has equally strong links with industry and academia. The official journal of the Society, FILTRATION, has become the foremost international technical publication of its kind and is an invaluable reference for scientists and engineers. The Filtration Society technical conferences and visits bring together the industry leaders, and offer networking opportunities to learn about the latest information in filtration and separation technology. The society’s history dates back to July 1964 when a meeting was held at 5 Belgrave Square in London to discuss the feasibility of forming a Filtration Society in Britain. Just over 40 people attended, representing as many companies in the filtration industry. In the discussions that followed a vision of a Society based on Commission Filtration in France, a specialist group of the Association Nationale de la Recherche Technique, arguments both for and against the formation of such a Society were put forward. The general opinion that emerged was that many aspects of filtration knowledge were being neglected and that a technical society – not a trade association – might well perform a very useful function, particularly if it embraced users of filtration as well as designers and manufacturers of equipment and media.
For more infomation: contact
Mr. Richard Lydon
The Filtration Society, UK
Email: richardlydon@hotmail.co.uk