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More Learning – Particle and Gas Separation - Tuesday June 16, 2020

Writer: Waterloo Filtration GuyWaterloo Filtration Guy

Well I guess it better to be late than never !! Sorry about missing the post last week but I wanted to make sure there was something that the Waterloo Filtration Guy, was ready to say. After taking the Air Filtration I course, we were all ready and eager to discuss the Products and Technologies, Market Trends and Opportunities for these materials.

Last week’s presentation by Dr. Sun - WFI did an excellent job in discussing some of the more critical components of the filter design and how more designs use a multitude of components to selectively remove increasing numbers of air contaminants.

Jim Rosenthal-Tex-Air, addressed the topics of indoor air contamination and how outdoor air contributes to larger size particles in a room and can result in plugging filters faster due to increased contaminant. He also discussed how some use additional devices (in room HEPA filters below) are said to improve indoor air quality below.

Joel Swann - AAF Flanders provided us with all of the latest on responses to COVID-19 in air filtration from standard filtration solutions to new ideas in UVC/GI irradiation works below. He also clarified the factors influencing ultimate filtration costs.

Take a look at the PPE needed to change filters with COVID-19.

After the discussion we had a lively round of questions for all of our panelists; Bob Burkhead – Blue Heaven Technologies, Kathleen Owen – Ashrae Fellow and our speakers. After our questions we opened the floor up to questions before ending the meeting. Great course and we all learned a lot !

Now on to our next class – Particle and Gas Separation – Tuesday June 16, 2020

The next exciting Waterloo Filtration Inst. course will be Particle/Air Separation by Prof. Chao Tan of University of Waterloo, June 16, 2020. In this course we will learn about other mechanisms of filtration that are used to remove contaminants from air streams or recover valuable product from air streams.

This course will discuss the techniques of particle removal from air streams, which were not covered in our standard air filtration courses. Topics include cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, and wet scrubbers. It is important for the Certified Filtration and Separation Specialist to understand these pre-filtration separation processes because they are often needed to in the design of filtration systems to extend the systems life and reduce costs.

The courses offered by Waterloo Filtration Institute offer excellent value for your educational money and can offer you with a wealth of information to use in your career, no-matter where it takes you.

So again, I ask that you take a look at our training courses at to learn something new about the world of filtration and get though creative genes sparked up. Become a Certified Filtration and Separation Specialist, even though classes are already started we can always make room for more and maybe after you look at the courses yet available you will find something of interest, if not we could add something just for you. We can work with any kind of economic situation and are sure that there is something of interest in our elections. So, take a look at the courses at our website you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Remember you can still register for courses at

Have a Safe Day --- Waterloo Filtration Guy !!!

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