Polymers & Formulations Informatics - Recent Developments & Critical Next Steps
Dr. Kim Chiho
CTO, Matmerize, Inc., US
Speaker Bio
Dr. Kim Chiho is the CTO of Matmerize, Inc., a company he co-founded with Dr. Rampi Ramprasad at Georgia Tech. He also serves as a research engineer at Georgia Tech. Dr. Kim earned his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in 2009 and spent four years at Samsung Electronics before transitioning into academia. For over a decade, he has been at the forefront of developing core technologies in polymer informatics, combining cutting-edge AI with polymer-specific challenges.
Dr. Kim has authored or co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles in high-impact journals, including Nature Reviews Materials and Nature Computational Science. His start-up integrates polymer domain expertise with advanced data science and AI technologies to accelerate industrial materials development on a large scale. Dr. Kim is passionate about modernizing materials R&D by providing data-driven software solutions that enable the rapid and cost-effective design of functional, sustainable polymer formulations.
The Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) has heralded a sea change in the philosophy of materials design. In an increasing number of applications, the successful deployment of novel materials has benefited from the use of computational, experimental and informatics methodologies. Here, we describe the role played by computational and experimental data generation, capture and management, polymer fingerprinting, machine-learning based property prediction models, algorithms for designing polymers meeting target property requirements, and how prior physics knowledge may be incorporated with polymer informatics workflows. These efforts have culminated in the creation of an online Polymer Informatics platform, to guide ongoing and future polymer discovery and design. Systematic steps that may be taken to apply such informatics efforts to a wide range of technological domains will be discussed. These include strategies to deal with the data bottleneck, methods to represent polymer formulations, morphology and processing conditions, and the applicability of emerging information fusion, physics enforcement, language models and generative AI algorithms to accelerate materials development.